“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” – Aristotle

This new series will take place at the RISD Museum over four consecutive weeks in June 2024.
For two hours on Thursday evenings (6:00-8:00 pm), Art Historian Suzanne Scanlan and Artist Francoise McAree will facilitate immersive looking exercises with veterans in RISD Museum galleries. Each week’s program will be based around a theme related to veterans’ experience. Both instructors will discuss formal and contextual elements of museum works with Francoise focusing on making, materiality, space and form, and Suzanne highlighting social, political, spiritual, and historical context. After an introduction of weekly topics and group exercises by Suzanne and Francoise, each veteran will select a work or works in the gallery to present to the group for shared conversation and analysis.
This series is free and open to all veterans, regardless of service or discharge status. No experience or artistic aptitude are necessary!
Where: Rhode Island School of Design Museum, 20 North Main Street, Providence RI.
When: RISD Museum, 6pm to 8pm, on Thursday June 6th, June 13th, June 20th, and June 27th
Cost: Free
Questions? Contact Dr. Suzanne Scanlan (suzanne.scanlan@gmail.com), or Dr. Mark Santow, Academic Director of the PCVI (PVDClementeVets@gmail.com).
To apply, complete this application.
Rationale: Veterans will have the opportunity to spend dedicated time with objects and works in our museum’s collection in order to expand upon formal analysis skills developed through the academic year. One of the main objectives of these exercises is to foster confidence and facility when looking at art; to move veterans away from the notion that one must ‘know’ something before looking at a work of art, and toward the belief that a work of art can and will speak to us when approached with an open mind. Ultimately this program reinforces the therapeutic value of creative expression and of ongoing engagement with the Humanities.
Week 1: Thursday, June 6 — Topic: Injury and Pain
Week 2: Thursday, June 13 — Topic: Struggle and Alienation
Week 3: Thursday, June 20 — Topic: Transcendence and Transformation
Week 4: Thursday, June 27 — Topic: Commemoration, Memory and Memorials